Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tybalt Concept Update

ok so.. a bit later than promised, but here are some new sketches of monsters/side characters! i'll give a brief explanation for each...

/\ k so this one, i tried out a couple faces for the lead female side-character whose name we haven't yet established. so far, i find that she looks too mature.... and lacks that flirtatious edge. the monster fellows in this one sort of came randomly (as most of my monsters do) and could possibly work for two intelligent monster characters. the skinny one being a bit of a sneaky wanker and the big guy being all front and no substance, which is to suggest that he's very soft on the inside.... and likes to do pensive/creative things like.. oh i dunno.... gardening?

ok here's the cop guy.. and i figured he could go with a common irish name like connor garaghty... so chief inspector garaghty (subject to possible change) here has a more elaborated selection of sketches to describe his physical appearance.. of course anything can be added/removed/suggested and so on...

more monster ideas..

more monster ideas + a possible nemesis for connor.. another irish cop from n.y or wherever they're from... except he's the hotheaded type and possibly comes in to take over the operation later.... just an idea ed threw at me.

here's a little play on size comparisons.. we have tybalt's big-ass gun there that shoots what look like rail gun shells that cause minor explosions on impact. beside him, we have a standard-sized average monster just to kind of give a sense of scale

and that is that for now! enjoy, suggest, and contribute! =)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Color Ideas

hey Ed, this post is specifically for you. I just came across a piece that reminded me of your painting style - It's a piece called Monk Over Matter by Nicholas Kole who's on DA. I'm linking to his page so as to give him credit for the image.
I'm thinking maybe something like this would work really well as a base scheme.. but let me know what you think!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Environment Reference

alright! here's some cool shots i found that pretty much make up what the island generally looks like i figure.... from a realistic point of view anyway - any of the extra things we wanna throw on top of that can be explored.. but i just wanna get a feel for things